World Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy Business Success Summit

Summit Opening Address – Free Video

“What I Wish I Knew About Health Business Ownership When I Opened My First Practice More Than 20 Years Ago”


Paul's Most Incredible Gift Offer

In this special Summit Masterclass – with Health Business Expert, Paul Wright – You Will Learn:

  • How a new graduate therapist totally outperformed a 20 year veteran and how you can get newly qualified therapists to do the same.
  • The biggest lie we were all told at university that sets health professionals up for business failure
  • The secret recruitment strategy which virtually guarantees you hire the right person every time
  • The biggest single mistake most new health business owners make that renders their business virtually unsellable
  • Why you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table by training your therapy team – and what you should be doing instead
  • The most important words you MUST say to every patient which guarantees they re-book and get a great outcome from your treatment program
  • How one of Paul’s thriving practices was totally shut down overnight – and the valuable business lesson for all of us in health care
  • The 10 words you MUST know which will dramatically increase your family time, your job satisfaction and the quality of your relationships

Click on the Video Below to Watch This Session:

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