Did You Miss All or Some of the Incredible Presentations at the World Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy Online Business Success Summit?

At This Event 30+ World Changing Physiotherapists, Physical Therapists, Health Business Experts and Entrepreneurs Revealed How to: Attract High Quality Clients, Recruit and Retain Dream Team Members and Create a Practice That Works Without You

The Good News is You Can Get Lifetime Access to ALL Business Success Summit Masterclasses, MP3 Downloads of ALL Sessions PLUS Thousands of Dollars in Bonuses from All Speakers – with the VIP All Access Pass.

The VIP All Access Pass Offer is ONLY Available Until the Timer Reaches ZERO – After Which this Offer Disappears from the Internet - Order NOW

Why Get The VIP All Access Pass?

  • You can get instant access to all summit sessions NOW – even though the summit has already ended – get started on growing your business INSTANTLY.
  • You get lifetime access to all summit sessions so you can watch or listen whenever you like.
  • You can share the summit sessions with your teams – invaluable for team training and mentoring.
  • You can download the MP3 audios of ALL sessions to your own device so you can assess the presentations when and where you like.
  • You get instant access to VIP bonuses from our high quality speakers including reports, tools, surveys and templates that will save you thousands of dollars and hours of time in your health business.
  • You also receive a FREE hard copy of my Amazon Best Selling Book “How to Run a One Minute Practice” – posted directly to your mailbox (that’s right – a hard copy book – NOT a pdf version) – the book is currently for sale on Amazon for nearly $30 on its own.
One Minute Practice book


Who Presented at the Summit and What Will You Learn?

I personally hand-picked speakers who are at the absolute top of their game – they are the top Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy business experts on the planet – and most importantly – they are teaching from experience NOT from theory.

These experts have owned clinics, sold clinics, mentored business owners, invested thousands of their own dollars in marketing disasters and successes, created countless programs and products, have authored books and lectured around the world to health professionals just like you.

Yet despite their hectic schedules each of our fantastic speakers have jumped at the chance to be part of this event and have promised to share ONLY their best stuff.

All I can say is you are in for a real treat.

Your Summit Experts Include:

United Kingdom Paul Gough

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Brian Gallagher

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Jason Smith

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Chad Madden

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Jamey Schrier

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Aaron LeBauer

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Canada Rick Lau

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Jerry Durham

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Canada Darryl Yardley

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Joseph Simon

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Allan Abbott

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

UK Nicola McLennan

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Craig Allingham

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Trish Wisbey-Roth

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Tristan White

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Anthony Capiaghi

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Steve Jensen

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Craig Phillips

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Stephen King

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Andrew Lemon

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

United Kingdom Celia Champion

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Nick Schuster

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Glenn Ruscoe

Australia Glenn Ruscoe

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Tony Rose

Australia Dr Tony Rose

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

USA Jerry Durham

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

United Kingdom Tor Davies

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Dr Angus Pyke

Australia Dr Angus Pyke

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

United Kingdom Stephen Small

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Scott Willis

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Canada Alain Scheldeman

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

Australia Rob De Nardis

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

UK Paul Donnelly

<Click for Full Speaker Bio>

GET Lifetime Access to 30 PLUS Sessions – PLUS Exclusive Bonuses for JUST $99 AUD


Money Back Guarantee – No Questions Asked

Grab Over $1000 in Special Speaker Bonuses When You Reserve Your VIP All Access Pass NOW

As a special bonus for all buyers of the World Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy Business Success Summit VIP All Access Pass, I have twisted the collective arms of our speakers to compile an incredible range of bonus programs, templates, surveys and manual – to help fast track your health business success.

Here are just a few of the bonuses you will receive when you reserve your VIP All Access Pass NOW:-

How to Run a One Minute Practice

A Free HARD COPY of my own Amazon Best Selling Book “How to Run a One Minute Practice” – an absolute MUST for all serious students of health business success. The book is currently for sale on Amazon for nearly $30 however we will post you a hard copy direct to your physical mailbox as soon as you upgrade to the VIP All Access Pass.

Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PT’s

“Killer Marketing Secrets for Private Practice PT’s” – in PDF format from Chad Madden – gives you the EXACT formula to take YOU from a Minor-League practice owner to an All-Star quickly and easily using effective, scientific marketing strategies.

The Ultimate Phone Training Guide – To Booking You More Patients

“The Ultimate Phone Training Guide – To Booking You More Patients” from Rick Lau and the Team at Call Hero – excellent communication skills remain essential for any practice that wants to continually grow its revenue base and keep patient satisfaction high — and everyone can learn effective communication skills. No matter what situation you’re faced with, by the time you finish this training guide you’ll know exactly what to say to patients and you can train your staff to do the same.

The Private Practice MBA

“The Private Practice MBA – the Rise of the Medpreneur” with Joe Simon.

The Video Influence

“The Video Influence” e-book from Tony Rose and Angus Pyke shows you exactly how to make magnetic videos so you can attract an avalanche of new patients, boost referrals and sky rocket retention.

PLUS other valuable reports and e-books including:

“13 Steps to Building a Thriving Therapy Business” – with Tor Davies
“The Practice Freedom Method” – with Jamey Schrier
“The Cash PT Checklist” with Aaron Le Bauer
“The New Patient Call Log – How to Maximize Call Conversion” with Jerry Durham
“How to Be a Great Physio Success” with Glen Ruscoe
“The Culture is Everything Checklist” with Tristan White
“Becoming the Ultimate Physio” with Nick Schuster
“Get Yourself Back in Motion” with Jason Smith

GET Lifetime Access to 30 PLUS Sessions – PLUS Exclusive Bonuses for JUST $99 AUD


Money Back Guarantee – No Questions Asked

“GIVE ME 30 Days to Prove this is the Best Health Business Success Event You Have Attended”

You don’t have to decide anything today.

You can lock in your VIP All Access Pass at the lowest possible admission price when you try it risk free NOW.

You have 30 Days to watch and/or listen to each detailed Masterclass at your convenience.

Try the powerful speaker bonuses, read my book, and immerse yourself in the incredible content shared by this elite group of health business experts.

You will learn the secrets of health business success directly from the world’s leading health business owners, coaches, authors and consultants – who have seen it all and are totally motivated to give you their best ever content and strategies.

Remember you MUST love the World Physiotherapy and Physical Business Success Summit and think it is one of the best business success conferences you have ever attended – OR I will give you a full and complete refund.

Just click on the button to claim your VIP All Access Pass – NOW – before the offer disappears.

GET Lifetime Access to 30 PLUS Sessions – PLUS Exclusive Bonuses for JUST $99 AUD


Money Back Guarantee – No Questions Asked