Day One
“What I Wish I Knew About Health Business Ownership When I Opened My First Practice Over 20 Years Ago”
Paul Wright
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- How a new graduate therapist totally outperformed a 20 year veteran and how you can get newly qualified therapists to do the same.
- The biggest lie we were all told at university that sets health professionals up for business failure
- The secret recruitment strategy which virtually guarantees you hire the right person every time
- The biggest single mistake most new health business owners make that renders their business virtually unsellable
- Why you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table by training your therapy team – and what you should be doing instead
- The most important words you MUST say to every patient which guarantees they re-book and get a great outcome from your treatment program
- How one of Paul’s thriving practices was totally shut down overnight – and the valuable business lesson for all of us in health care
- The 10 words you MUST know which will dramatically increase your family time, your job satisfaction and the quality of your relationships
Steve Jensen
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Steve Jensen - The Ultimate "Sell Without Selling" Client Conversion System
In this session you will learn:
- How Steve taught Paul Wright to answer the phone in his health business and the incredible impact this made to Paul’s business
- Why the word "sell" is such a stigma in health care and how to turn this around to make a real difference to your client’s outcomes
- Why 68% of your clients are not getting the outcomes they should and why our therapists are negatively impacting your business
- How to dramatically increase your client conversion, re-booking rate and product sales in health care.
- The new selling model all health professionals must understand if you want to help your clients get the best outcomes.
- How to use the INKING process to easily and smoothly get patient buy in and compliance
- Why your team won't listen to you when you try and get them to book more sessions or sell more products.
- The 2 biggest mistakes health professionals make when recommending follow up treatment sessions and what to do about it.
- The exact hard skills and soft skills you and your team need to ensure great outcomes for your clients and patients
Jerry Durham
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Jerry Durham – How to Run Your Business on Your Terms
In this session you will learn:
- How Jerry transitioned his practices from being in network (insurance based businesses) to a cash based model and how this has led to a dramatic increase in performance and profits
- How Jerry runs his San Francisco practices from his home in LA
- The “Patient Lifecycle Model” and how this system leads to better outcomes, reduced cancellations and more profits.
- What Disney can teach us about running a great health business and why we must watch closely what other businesses are doing outside of health care.
- The 2 most important questions you admin team MUST ask immediately – to increase profits and reduce cancellation
- How to identify the “golden moment” in health care and how this strategy can instantly reduce no show rates
- The simple script Jerry put into his clinic that instantly generated better caller interaction, improve staff compliance and boosted profits.
Paul Gough
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Paul Gough – Accelerate Your Practice
In this session you will learn:
- The fundamental differences between health businesses in the UK, the USA and Australia that we must understand to be successful health business owners
- The exact “Hybrid Marketing Approach” Paul is using in his clinics that is guaranteed to make a potential client call your practice
- Why Paul spends over 50k a month marketing his and his client’s practices – and how to make sure you get a great return on your marketing spend
- The biggest marketing mistake all owners make – that defies logic – and exactly what you need to do to generate clients for your business
- Why a waiting list of 5 weeks is a sure sign a health business is in crisis and destined for failure – and what to do about it
- How to set up your Google Awords for success and the mistake most owners make with their google campaigns
- How one of Paul’s clients doubled her fees instantly with no complaints from the patients – and how you can do the same
Trish Wisbey-Roth
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Trish Wisbey-Roth – How to Niche Your Practice for Maximal Profits
In this session you will learn:
- How Trish ran her business from Europe for over 2 years – before the internet – and what this taught her about business and life
- How she created a super targeted niche so she could run her business on her terms and to suit her lifestyle
- Exactly how Trish gets patients to see other therapists in her team so the business does not depend on her – even though she is the high profile clinical educator
- The single biggest indicator that a new team member is not going to work out and her biggest ever recruitment disaster
- How Trish charges three times the fees of other therapists
- The exact strategy Trish uses that totally removes the issue of price from every patient in her practice
- How she uses technology, apps and online tools to create an unrivalled patient experience automatically
- The technology that allows Trish to deliver treatment sessions to clients in Asia, Europe and the USA – all from her home or office in Sydney.
Day Two
Craig Phillips
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Craig Phillips - Pilates, Private Practice and Insurance Changes – What All Health Businesses Must Know
In this session you will learn:
- How to add thousands of dollars to your health business bottom line using Pilates
- Exactly what you need to do to reduce the impact of insurance companies reducing rebates
- Why there has never been a better time to take on the insurance companies and exactly what you need to do to keep your clients staying, paying and referring.
- What we can all learn from the USA, Canada and the UK in terms of fee for service health care.
- The single most important thing all health businesses MUST do now to stay profitable and successful in the new economy.
Craig Allingham
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Craig Allingham – Business Secrets from a 40 Year Health Business Veteran
In this session you will learn:
- How our technical education clouds our business decision making and reduces client outcomes
- What Craig learnt from over 40 years of health business ownership and involvement and the secrets to health business success
- The biggest single challenge all owners must overcome to be successful
- How to set your fees and your teams fees for maximal profits and why setting up the wrong model can lead to high staff turnover
- The number one way to find and recruit ideal team members – you must be doing this
- The truth about over-servicing and underservicing in health care and why you and your team must understand this – in fact you MUST get all of your team together just to watch or listen to this section of Craig’s presentation – it will dramatically increase your team rebooking rates – and client outcomes.
Paul Donnelly
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Paul Donnelly – How to Be a Quality Assured Practitioner
In this session you will learn:
- How therapists can compete and thrive in a country with a free public health care system
- The biggest single barrier stopping therapists from booking more patients into their clinics
- The truth about private health insurers and how to reduce your reliance on low paying insurance clients
- The golden opportunity and biggest potential market all health business owners must be aware of if you want to run a successful and profitable private practice.
- The therapy quality initiative that will change the face of private health care delivery in the UK and across the world that is based on specific and highly measurable outcomes.
Chad Madden
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Chad Madden – Killer Marketing Secrets
In this session you will learn:
- How Chad lost $98,000 in one quarter in his health business BUT how free tickets to a business seminar turned his life and profits around
- How he went from 154 doctors referrals a month to JUST 12 a month – BUT is now 9 times more profitable and 3 times bigger– and how you can do the same
- What is working now to get more clients in the hundreds of PT clinics using Chads systems
- How Chad got over 3 million Youtube views for one of his patient videos and how this has led to clients coming from all over the country to see him
- Why Chad was banned from the private practice conference in the USA and what he learnt from the experience – this is a classic marketers lesson for all of us
Glenn Ruscoe
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Glenn Ruscoe – Expand Your Income Beyond Your Practice – the .Physio Way
In this session you will learn:
- His greatest lesson and the mantra he used to grow his practice from 1 to 12 clinicians – then sell it
- How to sell your health business for maximal profits and the essential data you need to get the best price – just like Glenn did
- The best ever referral rewards program and how to put this into your business immediately
- The single most important question you must ask all potential employees – and how this question can predict success or failure of that team member in your practice
- Why Glenn spent $185,000 on one business idea that was too good to miss and how this led to an uncapped income stream
- How to choose a winning domain name and the common mistakes most business owners make when choosing their web address
- The one and only role of a business that can give you unlimited income if you know it
Jamey Schrier
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Jamey Schrier – The Practice Freedom Method
In this session you will learn:
- How a fire totally changed the way Jamey ran his business and how it was the best thing that ever happened to him
- The exact strategies and systems Jamey used that allowed him to remove himself from the business and finally sell his practice for a great price
- The first thing Jamey does with his private mentor clients to increase consultation numbers and profits
- The single best “Get Patients Now” strategy and the 5 step process Jamey uses to dramatically increase profits
- How to find, retain and reward your team members so they never want to leave
- The number one hiring mistake and how this costs health business owners thousands every year
Day Three
Stephen King
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Andrew Lemon
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Stephen King and Andrew Lemon –Think Beyond the Practice Walls – How to Profit from Seminars and Technology
In this session you will learn:
- How to develop income streams outside the practice walls – just like Stephen and Andrew have done
- The key predictor if success in health care business and why many health businesses fail.
- How to harness the power of technology to grow your business exponentially in the new economy
- Why there has never been a better time to increase the reach of your practice and develop the products of the future.
- The biggest mistakes these sharp owners made when expanding their practice, their training programs and their technology.
Tor Davies
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Tor Davies – How to Get More Clients Without Being Salesy
In this session you will learn:
- The key skill all business owners need to succeed
- How to build long lasting relationships with clients and potential clients
- The free email program you should be using to stay in touch with your database and how often you should contact your database
- The biggest health business website mistakes and the essential code you must have on your website now – that can dramatically increase your online marketing success
- The secret productivity tool Tor wishes she discovered 20 years ago – that all smart business owners should be using which can dramatically increase your business performance and success
Rick Lau
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Rick Lau – How to Find the Missing Money in Your Health Business
In this session you will learn:
- The most important numbers you must know that increase the value your business to a potential buyer
- The lowest hanging fruit that can instantly increase your business profits
- How to know instantly the individual performance of each of your front desk team members
- Why 25% of the calls to an average clinic are not being answered and how to reduce this to zero
- The biggest online opportunity that almost no health business owners know about
- How to make Facebook work for your business and why 99% of health professionals have the wrong Facebook strategy
Joseph Simon
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Joseph Simon – The Private Practice MBA – Secrets of a Health Business Investor
In this session you will learn:
- How Joseph grew his business by 300% in 3 months after the biggest cyclone in New York history – which almost flattened his clinic and his home
- How he now owns 8 clinics and is a partner in more than 20 others and the exact systems he implements to help grow these clinics
- How one health business was losing 23% of gross billings due to one simple front desk mistake and how Joe fixed this instantly
- Why you should never offer session by session re-bookings and payment options and the golden script that makes all clients book multiple sessions every time.
- How one bad employee can cost you over $250,000 and the single most important question you must ask to “lemon proof” your hiring process.
Jason Smith
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Jason Smith – Business Success – the Back in Motion Method
In this session you will learn:
- The top 5 interventions the Back in Motion team make when they take on a new practice into their franchise group and how this knowledge can totally transform your business
- The keys to selecting a great location for your practice
- The absolute sweet spot for the size and layout of a clinic and why Jason has relocated over a dozen clinics due to size issues
- The OTW principle and why you must know this if you want to be a success in health care
- The one golden number all owners must know if they want to have a successful business in health care and how you will struggle if this number drops below a set level
- The truth about over-servicing in health care – and why all of your team members must listen to this section of Jasons interview
- The controversial marketing strategy – Jason introduced over 15 years ago – that is still the best marketing move he ever made and what you need to learn from this initiative to grow your business
- The 3 biggest opportunities available to all health professionals right now and why you must take action now to capitalize on these profit centres.
Scott Willis
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Scott Willis – Legislation, Insurance Companies and Legalities – What All Health Professionals MUST Know
In this session you will learn:
- The big opportunity Scott uses to feed clients into his private practice and how you can do the same
- How to recruit team members to a remote rural location and get them to stay long term
- The truth about Contractor Vs Employee and what the Physio Business Association recommends their members do to stay compliant and legal
- How insurers and third party payers are auditing practices and demanding the repayment of rebates for classes, bikefit , pilates and group sessions and how to be compliant with regulations
- What the insurance companies really think about over-servicing and maintenance therapy and why private practices are contributing to the problem
- How the Preferred Provider Scheme almost crippled one states private physio industry and what you must know about these programs as a private practice owner
- How to get access to a huge range of employment contracts, occupations health documents, practice manuals, therapist appraisals, position descriptors to help build your practice and stay legal, mentor training programs.
Day Four
Brian Gallagher
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Brian Gallagher – How to Implement Statistics and Metrics Into Your Practice – and Still Get Therapist Buy In
In this session you will learn:
- The incredible story of how Brian built and sold his multi clinic business – only to buy it back for $1 – and then sell it again
- The exact systems and strategies Brian used to get his business ready to sell – twice over.
- The 4 key metrics you MUST understand to be a success in health care
- How to get your team to engage in business growth strategies so all of the marketing and lead generation is not left to you – the owner.
- The one key statistic which instantly tells you if your business is on track and what to do about it if it is not.
Celia Champion
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Celia Champion – How to Market Your Health Practice
In this session you will learn:
- The biggest challenge faced by health business owners in private practice and what to do about it
- Why the NHS and public health system is damaging the reputation of health professionals in the UK
- How to market your practice to compete successfully with a free health care model
- The massive opportunity most health business owners miss
- The 7 words of death therapists often use when discharging a client
- The killer referral program that went gangbusters in one of Celias clients practices
- The biggest ever marketing disaster that cost over 3000 GBP and did not generate one single lead – do not make this mistake
- The 10 minute you tube video that can transform your recruitment strategy and find out how to motivate your team members
Rob De Nardis
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Robert De Nardis – Developing Your Dream Team and Making Them All Superstars
In this session you will learn:
- How Rob paid more than 5 times what he should have for his first practice and why it was the best thing he has ever done
- The strategy he uses to fill his therapists with high quality clients – and how you can do the same
- The exact system and programs he uses to make new graduate therapists seem like 20 year veterans
- The single most important question you must ask all new patients and how failing to ask this can dramatically reduce your clinical outcomes
- How to know exactly when to hire your next team member
- The 2 critical pieces of information you can get from an CV – which tell you instantly if that person is going to be a good fit for your clinic – even before you interview them in person – this tip alone can save you thousands
Aaron LeBauer
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Aaron Le Bauer – How to Be a Cash Based Health Business
In this session you will learn:
- How to run a cash based practice and what we can learn from the problems with the American insurance system
- What holds many professionals back from charging what they are worth
- The biggest mistake health business owners make when setting their consultation fees
- The 2 best systems for attracting high quality cash paying clients who stay, pay and refer
- The best technology tips for staying in touch with your database
- How to use “client challenges” to build rapport and develop passive parallel income streams
- The killer mistake one medical doctor made when his admin team answered the phone and why you should never do this if you want to be a successful health practice owner
Tristan White
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Tristan White – Developing a Great Culture and How to Motivate Your Team
In this session you will learn:
- How Tristan’s team deliver over 200 000 consultations each year and he does not have a single physical practice location
- The 4 key drivers of a great team culture and how this helps you build a successful business in health care
- Why most health businesses set up their team members for failure and what we need to do instead to make people feel special
- How to reward and recognize your team and how Tristan is able to recruit exceptional therapists without paying huge wages
- Why the culture in many health businesses is toxic and the step by step process to turn your business culture around
Darryl Yardley
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Darryl Yardley – How to Find Your Happy Place in Health Business
In this session you will learn:
- How to create a niche practice by leveraging the collective experience of other experts
- How 2 Canadian universities are running specialist courses in business and entrepreneurship and what we can learn from this Canadian model
- The biggest challenges facing private practice owners in Canada and what we can all learn from their struggles
- How to find your “happy place” in business so we can enjoy each and every day in at work
- The contractor and hourly wage rate model in Canada and how the most successful owners are recruiting and retaining team members
- How to get past the gatekeeper in doctor’s offices and the missing step in the doctors communication loop that can lead to increased referrals
- The essential growth strategies in social media and how one multi-site business generated over 3 million contacts with potential clients
- The 3 big niche opportunities all clinic owners must be aware of that can generate great extra revenue, word of mouth clients and cross referrals
Day Five
Nicola McLennan
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Nicola McLennan – How to Profit from Google Ads in Health Practice
In this session you will learn:
- How to drive a flood of new clients into your practice using the power of Google
- The single biggest mistake most new users to Google Ads make – and how this is costing you thousands
- How to track leads and results so you are guaranteed to know if your ads are working or not
- How to use the power of negative keywords to dramatically reduce your ad spend yet still increase ad results
- Why Google Ads is a much more effective lead generator than Facebook and all other social media channels combined.
Allan Abbott
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Allan Abbott – An Entrepreneurs Journey – How to Go from Practice to Product
In this session you will learn:
- The biggest mistakes Alan made as he grew his list of practices from zero to six.
- How to think outside the practice and develop passive income streams using other products and services.
- Why your current treatment programs are not working as well as they should and what to do about it
- The incredible opportunity available to all health business owners if you know where to look
- How to avoid burnout and stay motivated as a health professional and business owner
Anthony Capiaghi
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Anthony Capiaghi – What is Your Health Business Worth – Buying, Selling and Increasing the Value of Any Health Practice
In this session you will learn:
- Why some clinics are worth nothing to a potential buyer and how not to be one of these clinic owners
- Exactly what you need to do now to achieve the maximum sale price for your business should you ever decide to sell it
- How to manage the staff in your business if you are thinking about selling
- The importance of a non-disclosure agreement in health care and why you should NOT use a general business broker to sell your health practice.
- The worst thing you can do if you are thinking about selling your practice and how this costs you thousands
- The one single sheet of paper that can increase your profits by over 30% almost instantly
- The most important team training tool you can ever use and how using this instantly increases profits
- The single biggest opportunity all health businesses need to be aware of and how this can set you up for life
Dr Tony Rose
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Dr Angus Pyke
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Tony Rose and Angus Pyke – Using Video to Become a Community Influencer
In this session you will learn:
- How these two chiropractors guarantee their service and what we can all learn to get more new clients
- The difference between a lead and a customer and why failing understanding this difference can lead you to financial ruin
- Exactly how to film, edit and distribute videos that can generate a flood of new clients to your practice
- The 3 essential components of all successful videos and how you can use this strategy to dramatically increase your video marketing results
- Why your best videos need to be repulsive – the counter intuitive approach to video marketing success
- How Tony created a business outside of his profession so he could spend more time with his children
- The number one secret to successful marketing of your health businesses and why you have a window of opportunity right now to capitalize on this
Alain Scheldeman
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Alain Scheldeman – Franchising, Licensing and Partnerships – the Definitive Guide
In this session you will learn:
- How Alain went from 1 clinic to more than 20 and what you must know if you want to scale your business
- The “next big thing” in health business ownership and the opportunities this creates if you want to expand your practice
- The 2 things a potential buyer is looking for that directly determines the value of your business
- The hard fact all health business owners must know if you are thinking about franchising your practice or buying into a franchise
- The 2 types of partnerships and how to choose a good partner in health care – and if you should
- The exact KPI’s all Action Sport franchise clinics must adhere to and how to quickly spot the poor performers in your business
Nick Schuster
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Nick Schuster – Confessions of a Reluctant Business Owner
In this session you will learn:
- How Nick bought his first practice with a credit card and the big mistake that delayed his business progress by more than 5 years
- How he lost 200k from his initial investment but how this gave him an incredible opportunity
- The Facebook strategy guaranteed to recruit ideal team members
- The incentive based wage system Nick uses to attract and retain exceptional therapists
- How to engage your team to contribute to marketing of the business and how they don’t even realize they are marketing your practice
- The missing piece of the team retention puzzle and how knowing this can dramatically reduce staff turnover and increase profits
- The 3 step process guaranteed to increase cross referral between your practitioners – even if they are on a % wage deal
Stephen Small
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Stephen Small – Packaged Health Care Solutions and Payment Plans – the Secret to Business Success
In this session you will learn:
- When to decide to get out of a business and cut your losses
- The business fundamental that reduces price comparison in health care so you can charge what you want in your practice
- How to structure specific treatment and payment packages to maximize profits and give great client outcomes
- How to get your team members to actively promote your business and services
- Why many clinics in the UK have totally given up on advertising– and the opportunity this has created for smart health business owners
- Stephen’s most embarrassing marketing disaster and the lesson we can all learn that can save you 90% on your advertising spend